October 12, 2011

Drum Roll Please....

Hello World! It's me Amy. Have you missed me?

Those of you who have been "online friends" with me for awhile know that I've tried this blogging thing before, and that I never really stuck with it.  In fact, I've started (and stopped) so many different blogs that I don't think I could even name them all.  I know.... it's sad! (pitiful really!)

Despite my sorry blogging history, I'm once again giving this blog thing a go.  My plans for this site are a little different than anything I've done in the past, and I'm excited to get started.

So, what can you expect to find here on sknitches?  I'm so glad you asked!  This is going to be my home away from home, my online corner of the world, and the place I go to escape my kids (the tenacious beasts!).  For the most part I will be writing about my numerous crafty endeavors, in a day-dreamy, journal-y, sometimes informative-y way.  In other words, I'm going to write about all of the crafty things I'm doing, and every now and then I will post a DIY/How-To.  My favorite hobbies are sewing and knitting, but I also like cooking and baking, jewelry making, home decorating, and crafting (so, EVERYTHING).  I will also be sharing anything and everything I find (in real life or online) that I love and well.... that I want to share with you! So, pictures, tutorials, interesting people/places, etc, etc.  You just never know what you'll find here. Sound like fun? I think so!

From time to time I may comment on my family, so let me take a minute to introduce them to you...

My husband, also known as my main squeeze, the love of my life, and the man I spend too much time missing (he travels for work) will be referred to here as Mr. Gorilla.  No, not because he's a "big ape" but because one of my favorite places to be is wrapped up in his big embrace.  (Ahhhhh.... I know.. "how mushy!" What can I say? My insides are made of vanilla pudding.) He's a very handy guy (he's installing our new kitchen sink in that pic) and a wonderful husband and father.  I am very lucky, and blessed, to have him in my life.

Mr. Gorilla and I had a combined moment of insanity (it lasted 6 years) that resulted in four tenacious little beasts, also known as our daughters.  As of this posting, our oldest, Miss S, is ten years old.  She's involved with her school's chorus and loves being dramatic. She's a wonderful big sister and a big help to me.  Our second daughter, Miss A, is eight years old.  She's my little artist, and already talks about going to art school some day.  I love that about her because when I was a kid I didn't even realize that something like art school was an option.  Miss L, our third daughter, is six years old and is adorably hilarious.  She really does say "the darnedest things!"  Just tonight she asked me if her feet were old because "they sure are wrinkly!"  She cracks me up!  And, last but not least Miss T, our four year old, is our baby and boy does she take advantage of that fact! She's too cute for her own good.  She's in pre-K this year and learning the ABC's is torturing us both.  She's loves homework as long as it involves coloring, or scissors, or glue, but if any actual studying is involved then you can count her out.  Can't say I really blame her.  ; )

So, that's the fam.  As for me, I'm just your average girl.  I'm in my thirties, I used to be in the Marine Corps, I have a few tattoos (and plans for a few more), and I'm mildly addicted to Diet Coke and chocolate chip cookies.  Ok, one of those things is a lie..........  I'm MAJORLY addicted to Diet Coke and chocolate chip cookies.  (I have a serious problem and may have to seek counseling in the near future.)

I spend my days avoiding housework and indulging in my crafty pursuits.  My afternoons and evenings are consumed by my girls who force me to don my maid's apron, chef's hat, and chauffeur gloves.  At night I'm an online student with way too much homework, and very little enthusiasm for any of it.  I'm busy, busy, busy.... which may explain my frequent bouts with the "lazies" or more accurately the "I don't wannas" because I don't usually have the luxury of being lazy.

Oh, and..........  we have a spastic blue heeler who's in love with my feet, and eight crazy chickens who keep us well stocked with eggs.  Like that coop? I designed it, and built it with lots of help from Mr. Gorilla and his Uncle Billy.  It's in dire need of some paint!

So, um......... that's all I've got at the moment, but please come again.  There's going to be lots going on here, so please check in from time to time and see what I'm up to, and let me know what you're up to as well!

If you're a social media fan like me, please stop by my various social profiles and friend, follow, or whatever me on those sites.  You can find some buttons to my profiles up in the top of the sidebar under "Socialize With Me"  >>>>

See you soon! Kisses! 

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  1. So glad we became FB friends at the same time you are blogging again! Love your writing style and am looking forward to reading about your daily endeavors! Hugs

  2. Hi, so glad you have decided to blog...I look forward in seeing your progress. Oh, I am a FB friend, go by the name of Southeast Ga FlyBaby....Also if you get a chance stop by


Thank you for visiting sknitches! Comments are always appreciated and I will do my best to answer any questions you may have. Have a blessed day!